Speaking is one of the language skills to make students able to communicate in English. It is needed to convey information, ideas, and opinions in oral way. However, students face difficulties in…
Buku yang berjudul Konsep-Konsep MIPA ini ditulis oleh Dr. Mamik Suendarti. Buku ini dapat dinikmati oleh pembaca dari kalangan mana pun yang ingin mengetahui dan mendalami konsep-konsep dalam MIPA…
Speaking is one of the most important skills which is usually used to communicate with each other. However, some students have problems such as low interest, boredom, and less participation withi…
Vocabulary is clearly a primary and basic element in all languages. It is also one of the main components that should be learned and enriched from a young age. However, in reality, there are stil…
Writing is a medium of human communication that represents language and emotion with signs and symbols. In most languages, writing is a complement to speech or spoken language. However, there are…
The paper entitled “Students' Grammatical Error in Writing Descriptive Text” is aimed to find out the difficulties faced by the students in writing descriptive text. In conducting this resear…
Buku pelajaran Anatomi Tumbuhan-tumbuhan yang dipakai di Fakultas Pertanian kebanyakan masih berbahasa asing, sehingga menyulitkan para mahasiswa dalam mempelajari ilmu tersebut khususnya tentang s…
The paper entitled “The Implementation of Team Quiz Technique on Students’ Speaking skill” is intended to investigate whether there is an effect of using “quiz team” on students’ spea…
Entering the 21st century, using technology in the classroom has become important. To maximize successful learning, educators need effective tools that can increase motivation and support student…
Speaking is an action to give information. Through speaking, students can express their feeling, ideas and thought using a language. Furthermore, speaking can influence student’s creativity, op…
Mastering English for the young learner is related closely to the ability of knowing and using vocabulary contextually. However, during the English session, some students find it quite difficult …
Speaking is one of the four skills in English subject, and it is also one of the communication tools in which students express their ideas, thoughts, and feelings. Indonesian Curriculum 2013 stat…
All aspects of human life, including education, have already transformed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic that has spread over the world. All educational levels must perform their teaching an…
The paper entitled “Students’ Strategies to Overcome the Lack of Vocabulary in Writing” was guided by using one research question: “What are strategies applied by the students to overcome…
Attitude can be defined as a student's response to people, places, things, or events in life. In addition, the selected material, such as a short story, can be one of the resources that help the …
This qualitative study investigates students' perceptions of using English songs to enhance vocabulary learning. Using a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis, data were collected throug…
This research attempts to investigate the learning strategy used by mountain guides in enhancing speaking skill. The research was conducted in two organizations, WAPALAPA (Mahasiswa Pecinta Alam …
Dalam lingkup khusus, buku ini dimaksudkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan para mahasiswa bidang studi kimia dan bidang studi lain yang memerlukan pengetahuan kimia, mengingat saat ini buku ilmiah yang be…
Hedging plays a significant role in conveying the message of a text, since it emphasizes the subjectivity of a statement by presenting it in the form of opinion. Furthermore, the existence of met…
Buku ini memuat contoh-contoh dan analogi yang bervariatif agar dapat digunakan oleh mahasiswa di luar program studi kimia. Contoh dalam bentuk soal maupun contoh dalam bentuk eksplanasi pedagogi m…
Buku ini merupakan adaptasi dari buku berjudul A Primer of Conservation Biology yang ditulis oleh Richard Primack, dan naskah aslinya diterbitkan oleh Sinauer Associates di Amerika Serikat. Semenja…
Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam [IPA) berhubungan dengan cara mencari tahu tentang alam secara sistematis, sehingga IPA bukan hanya penguasaan kumpulan pengetahuan yang berupa fakta-fakta, konsep-konsep, ata…
Buku ini merupakan salah satu komponen Mata Kuliah Dasar Umum (MKDU) yang perlu bagi para mahasiswa jurusan ilmu-ilmu sosial. Ilmu Alamiah Dasar merupakan kumpulan pengetahuan tentang konsep-konsep…
Klarifikasi makhluk hidup merupakan salah satu cara sistematis untuk mempelajari suatu objek (makhluk hidup) yang beragam dengan mencari persamaan dan perbedaan. Klasifikasi makhluk juga dapat diar…
Kadangkala peserta didik merasa bosan, ngantuk, capek, dan lain sebagainya saat mengikuti pelajaran di dalam kelas. Kegiatan pembelajaran yang tidak menarik dikarenakan kurangnya persiapan guru ket…
Biologi telah menjadi salah satu ilmu pengetahuan yang memiliki posisi sangat strategis seiring dengan perkembangan zaman. Perkembangan biologi di berbagai bidang seperti bioteknologi, lingkungan, …
Apa Anda pingsan saat mendapat pelajaran membedah kodok di sekolah? Apa Anda menganggap bahwa manfaat DNA hanya untuk menentukan siapa anaknya siapa? Apa Anda masih percaya penggolongan kehidupan h…