There are four skills in learning English that should be mastered to make learning process successful. One of them is writing. Writing is an activity to express thoughts and feelings in a written…
All aspects of human life, including education, have already transformed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic that has spread over the world. All educational levels must perform their teaching an…
Writing is one of English skills which enables students to write down their ideas. It is very beneficial because it can facilitate other activities during learning process. Among kinds of texts t…
The paper entitled “Students’ Strategies to Overcome the Lack of Vocabulary in Writing” was guided by using one research question: “What are strategies applied by the students to overcome…
Attitude can be defined as a student's response to people, places, things, or events in life. In addition, the selected material, such as a short story, can be one of the resources that help the …
The paper entitled “The Correlation of Students’ Understanding of Simple Past Tense and Their Ability to Write Narrative Text” is aimed to find out whether there is a significant correlatio…
This qualitative study investigates students' perceptions of using English songs to enhance vocabulary learning. Using a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis, data were collected throug…
This research attempts to investigate the learning strategy used by mountain guides in enhancing speaking skill. The research was conducted in two organizations, WAPALAPA (Mahasiswa Pecinta Alam …
Perkembangan dimaknai sebagai suatu proses perubahan dalam diri individu atau organisme, secara fisik maupun psikis, menuju tingkat kedewasaan atau kematangan. Perkembangan itu berlangsung secara s…
Video caption is the display of the spoken word in text, it can help student to understand and learn the English with subtitle caption, and it can expand their vocabulary. In this research, the r…
Note-taking is an important skill, activity, and tool for students to help them recall the information as they re-read through their notes. Notetaking also helps students in organizing their notes…
Reading is one of the most important skills in English because reading is the main bridge for students to gain more knowledge. From reading, students can find out information about what is happen…
Hedging plays a significant role in conveying the message of a text, since it emphasizes the subjectivity of a statement by presenting it in the form of opinion. Furthermore, the existence of met…
Buku ini memuat contoh-contoh dan analogi yang bervariatif agar dapat digunakan oleh mahasiswa di luar program studi kimia. Contoh dalam bentuk soal maupun contoh dalam bentuk eksplanasi pedagogi m…
Novels and movies are examples of literary work. A novel is a fictional story that includes a lengthy narrative or prose that describes the plot, setting, and characters. However, not everyone en…
Reading is a skill that makes the readers get new information and knowledge. However, students' reading skill are still low and poor. This can impact students who need help comprehending the text…
Pengetahuan mengenai teori belajar dan pembelajaran merupakan landasan kemampuan untuk menyelenggarakan tugas profesional seseorang sebagai tenaga pengajar maupun tenaga kependidikan lainnya.Penget…
Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam merupakan mata pelajaran di SD yang dimaksudkan agar siswa mempunyai pengetahuan, gagasan dan konsep yang terorganisasi tentang alam sekitar, yang diperoleh dari pengalaman me…
Ayam merupakan salah satu hewan yang paling sering dikonsumsi hampir seluruh manusia. Bukan karena lain hal, karena ayam memang menyimpan ragam manfaat bagi tubuh manusia. Maka tidak heran jika ban…
Analisis data kualitatif merupakan salah satu kesulitan yang kerap ditemui dalam penggunaan dan praktik penelitian kualitatif. Buku ini mencoba untuk menjawab permasalahan tersebut dengan terlebih …