Critical thinking (CT) skills are essential for students in the 21st century. As CT skills are implemented through reading activities, textbooks used in schools should support the CT development …
Booktalk is one of the tools to engage students to read more. This research is aimed to explore about the students’ experiences in participating in Booktalk program. The research was conducted …
Attitude can be defined as a student's response to people, places, things, or events in life. In addition, the selected material, such as a short story, can be one of the resources that help the …
Reading is one of the most important skills in English because reading is the main bridge for students to gain more knowledge. From reading, students can find out information about what is happen…
The purpose of reading is to get information or comprehension of what the writers want to bring out through the text. However, reading interest is still a big problem in Indonesia. This research …
Reading is one of the primary skills that students must learn. In reading comprehension, they should not only read the whole text, but also comprehend what the important point of the text is. How…
Annisa Hadi Nursabila, 2021. Nilai-Nilai Kepahlawanan dalam Novel 24 Jam Bersama Gaspar Karya Sabda Armandio dan Implikasinya Terhadap Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Di SMA, Program Studi Pendidik…
The purpose of reading is to get information or comprehension from what the writers want to bring out through the text. However, reading interest is still a big problem in Indonesia. This researc…
This research entitled “The Use of All Write Round Robin on Students’ Ability to Comprehend Explanation Text”. The aim of this research was achieving students’ reading skill who face the …
Reading is one of the primary skills that students must learn. In reading comprehension, they should not only read the whole text, but also comprehend what the important point of the text is. Howev…
This book constitues a revised book of the module of TEFL 2 for Open University students published in 2007. This book addresses various materials and techniques for teaching the four language skill…
Reading is a skill that must be possessed by students. It is an activity to obtain knowledge from text. In reading class, the students do not only read all passages of the text with good pronounc…
Teaching and Researching Reading was first written to help language professionals understand the complex nature of reading. Now in a thoroughly updated and improved second edition, the book expan…
The paper entitled “Students’ Strategies in Comprehending English Scientific Text” discussed the kinds of strategies used by the students in comprehending scientific text. The aim of this r…
Practice Makes Perfect: Advanced English Reading and Comprehension features lengthy, complex passages to help you develop essential English reading and critical thinking skills. Inside are 15 readi…