Digital media is one of the effective ways of teaching English during the learning process. Besides increasing teacher creativity, digital media can also improve students’ learning motivation. …
Diska Putri Alifya 037120028. Pengembangan Evaluasi Pembelajaran Menggunakan Educaplay pada Subtema Kewajiban dan Hakku di Rumah. Penelitian ini untuk menghasilkan produk evaluasi pembelajaran me…
The paper entitled “Students' Grammatical Error in Writing Descriptive Text” is aimed to find out the difficulties faced by the students in writing descriptive text. In conducting this resear…
Buku ini merupakan bentuk dukungan pada guru di seluruh nusantara persembahan dari Komunitas Guru Belajar. Merdeka Belajar di Ruang Kelas terdiri dari empat bagian yaitu: Konteks, Konsep, Praktik, …
Dalam penggunaan Bahasa Indonesia secara formal maupun informal, kita mengenal istilah bahasa baku dan tidak baku. Kedua kaidah tersebut tidak menentukan mana yang paling benar dan salah. Sebab, pe…
Tugas guru merujuk pada pekerjaan profesional, antara lain mendidik, mengajar, membimbing, mengarahkan, melatih, menilai, menginspirasi, dan mengevaluasi perkembangan dan kemampuan peserta didik di…
The purpose of this study is to explore students’ learning enjoyment in a speaking class using pictorial media. This study used qualitative research with narrative inquiry design using question…
Buku pelajaran Anatomi Tumbuhan-tumbuhan yang dipakai di Fakultas Pertanian kebanyakan masih berbahasa asing, sehingga menyulitkan para mahasiswa dalam mempelajari ilmu tersebut khususnya tentang s…
Buku RPAL yang ditulis oleh Shinta Kusuma, Lucia Danarwuri, Rizky Attina, disusun agar bisa menjadi pegangan bagi teman-teman kala belajar di sekolah, atau sebagai bahan bacaan sehari-hari. Buku ya…
This research aims to find out whether there is different effect of the use of digital storytelling and traditional whiteboard on students’ writing ability. This research used a quasi-experimen…
Learning English is essential since it's required in various professions and aspects. This paper aims to investigate students' difficulties in learning English in junior high school. The research…
The paper entitled “The Implementation of Team Quiz Technique on Students’ Speaking skill” is intended to investigate whether there is an effect of using “quiz team” on students’ spea…
bahasa indonesia yang baik adalah bahasa indonesia yang digunakan sesuai dengan norma kemasyarakatan yang berlaku. misalnya, pada situasi santai dan akrab ,hendaklah digunakan bahasa indonesia yang…
Baru-baru ini, bahasa tercinta kita, Bahasa Indonesia, menjadi salah satu Bahasa utama di tingkat ASEAN. Sebagai bangsa Indonesia, tentu saja kita merasa bangga dan senang Bahasa kita sudah `bereks…
English is one of the international languages that is used in several countries to communicate. Therefore, English is one of the language skills that must be mastered. One of the skills that must…
Buku Konsep Bimbingan Dan Konseling Bagi Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus karya Dr. Agus Irawan Sensus, M. Pd.ini dapat dibaca oleh siapa saja yang ingin memahami konsep untuk membimbing anak berkebutuhan …
Buku ini memberikan pandangan tentang pendekatan ekologis dalam mengembangkan potensi anak berkebutuhan khusus. Pandangan ekologis ini menjadi penting dalam upaya mengembangkan potensi anak berkebu…
Entering the 21st century, using technology in the classroom has become important. To maximize successful learning, educators need effective tools that can increase motivation and support student…
Speaking is an action to give information. Through speaking, students can express their feeling, ideas and thought using a language. Furthermore, speaking can influence student’s creativity, op…
Buku strategi belajar mengajar ini membahas tentang teknik-teknik penyajian pelajaran. Teknik penyajian adalah suatu pengetahuan tentang cara-cara mengajar yang dipergunakan oleh guru atau instrukt…
English conversation practice is a program that provides students of Daarul Uluum to have the opportunity to speak in English without any boundaries. This research used descriptive research which…
Konsep Teori Metode Kuantitatif yang berhubungan dengan contoh kasus yang disajikan. Diterapkan adalam tiga bahasa program yaitu aplikasi Excell, SAS versi 9.2 dan Quantitative Method for Windows. …
Buku ini menjelaskan sangat gamblang mengenai pandangan masyarakat umumnya terhadap Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus (ABK), masalah yang terjadi di dalam pendidikan inklusif juga terkait manajemen pendidik…
Buku ini disusun guna melengkapi referensi mata kuliah anatomi dan fisiologi keperawatan yang merupakan mata kuliah dasar di jenjang pendidikan keperawatan. dimana para peserta didik di jenjang pen…
Vocabulary is a key to learn language that must be enriched. A total of 24 students of VIII-B class of SMP Al-Umm Aswaja still have difficulties to understand and memorize the vocabulary. For tha…
Mastering English for the young learner is related closely to the ability of knowing and using vocabulary contextually. However, during the English session, some students find it quite difficult …
Critical thinking (CT) skills are essential for students in the 21st century. As CT skills are implemented through reading activities, textbooks used in schools should support the CT development …
Listening is one of the English skills that plays a significant role in the acquisition of the English language. The use of music and songs in the English language-learning classroom is not new. …
Booktalk is one of the tools to engage students to read more. This research is aimed to explore about the students’ experiences in participating in Booktalk program. The research was conducted …
Speaking is one of the four skills in English subject, and it is also one of the communication tools in which students express their ideas, thoughts, and feelings. Indonesian Curriculum 2013 stat…
This research is aimed to finding out students‟ error in arranging adjective order in descriptive sentence. It is conducted to 8th grade students in SMP PGRI 5 Bogor. The writer chooses this gr…
There are four skills in learning English that should be mastered to make learning process successful. One of them is writing. Writing is an activity to express thoughts and feelings in a written…
All aspects of human life, including education, have already transformed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic that has spread over the world. All educational levels must perform their teaching an…
Writing is one of English skills which enables students to write down their ideas. It is very beneficial because it can facilitate other activities during learning process. Among kinds of texts t…
The paper entitled “Students’ Strategies to Overcome the Lack of Vocabulary in Writing” was guided by using one research question: “What are strategies applied by the students to overcome…
Attitude can be defined as a student's response to people, places, things, or events in life. In addition, the selected material, such as a short story, can be one of the resources that help the …
The paper entitled “The Correlation of Students’ Understanding of Simple Past Tense and Their Ability to Write Narrative Text” is aimed to find out whether there is a significant correlatio…
This qualitative study investigates students' perceptions of using English songs to enhance vocabulary learning. Using a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis, data were collected throug…
This research attempts to investigate the learning strategy used by mountain guides in enhancing speaking skill. The research was conducted in two organizations, WAPALAPA (Mahasiswa Pecinta Alam …
Perkembangan dimaknai sebagai suatu proses perubahan dalam diri individu atau organisme, secara fisik maupun psikis, menuju tingkat kedewasaan atau kematangan. Perkembangan itu berlangsung secara s…
Video caption is the display of the spoken word in text, it can help student to understand and learn the English with subtitle caption, and it can expand their vocabulary. In this research, the r…
Note-taking is an important skill, activity, and tool for students to help them recall the information as they re-read through their notes. Notetaking also helps students in organizing their notes…
Reading is one of the most important skills in English because reading is the main bridge for students to gain more knowledge. From reading, students can find out information about what is happen…
Hedging plays a significant role in conveying the message of a text, since it emphasizes the subjectivity of a statement by presenting it in the form of opinion. Furthermore, the existence of met…